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July 15, 2024

Demo Upgraded to v1.5

The Easy!Appointments demo installation is upgraded to v1.5! Check out the great new features and improvements of the latest and…

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The top 3 online scheduling features

In today's fast-paced world, time is our most valuable asset. Whether you're a busy professional, a student juggling multiple commitments,…

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New Joomla integration in the works

In the bustling world of website management, ensuring seamless interaction between various functionalities is key to providing users with a…

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Reaching 3k stars on GitHub

Greetings, fellow developers, enthusiasts and supporters of our open-source journey! We are absolutely thrilled to share some exciting news with…

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10th anniversary – How did it all start?

This installment will take you behind the scenes, offering a glimpse into the conceptional and initial implementation states of the…

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Celebrating our 10th anniversary!

Easy!Appointments turns 10! Join us to a momentous celebration that marks a decade of shared experiences, growth and connection!

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New 1.5 dev package available

Download A new 1.5 development package is available for download, including all the merged 1.4.3 changes and many more updates.…

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