WordPress plugin 1.3.1 release

Alex Tselegidis

Easy!Appointments WordPress Plugin v1.3.1 is now available for download!

The new plugin version introduces compatibility with WordPress v5.6.x, Easy!Appointments v1.4 and some bug fixes.

Visit the WordPress plugins page and leave a review.


Install and activate the plugin and navigate to Settings >> Easy!Appointments menu of the WordPress admin section. Create a new Easy!Appointments installation or connect to an existing one by providing the preferred URL and destination path in the page form. Once a connection is established you’ll be able to include the booking form in your pages.


WordPress supports the use of custom shortcodes which allow plugins to insert custom content into pages. This plugin takes advantage of this functionality and creates an iframe that displays the booking form of Easy!Appointments. Include the  shortcode in the correct place of your published contents as shown in the following example.


The “width”, “height” and “style” attributes are optional but can help you to fine tune the styling of the iframe.

Additionally, you can use the “provider” and “service” shortcode attributes to preselect a provider or a service or both on a certain page (e.g. , where “2” and “1” are the record IDs, they can be fetched from the Easy!Appointments backend section, in the users and services page accordingly by clicking the dedicated link of a record).

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