Helping with text translations

Alex Tselegidis

Right out of the box, Easy!Appointments supports multiple languages (29 at the time of writing), featuring an automated language detection system that will try to display the right language based on the current user’s browser settings.

How We Got Here

As the user community constantly grows, more and more translations become available to the audience and they are all made by contributors from all over the world. This is a great thing, a brilliant effect of people helping the project back and enabling it to better fit into drastically different environments.

Being said, localization is an ongoing process and is tightly connected to the alterations the application is going through. Although most application screens and actions are described by the same or similar phrases, each new Easy!Appointments version may eventually introduce new labels or messages that will need to be translated.

How To Contribute

Anyone can help with the localization process of the project in many ways, including just sending simple message with your updates or fixes directly. Before you get started, make sure that you download the latest version of Easy!Appointments from the homepage or from GitHub.

All the translation files can be found inside the following directory:


All the languages are listed in this directory and each directory has multiple translation files, but the most important file is:


This one contains the UI labels and messages that are being displayed in the user interface. New language entries are initially added in english by default, so you will probably find some entries that are not yet translated in your language and are waiting for your contribution. Replace the english texts with their translated equivalents and send them over to or make a pull request directly on GitHub.

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