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How to enable error logging

Easy!Appointments is based on CodeIgniter and thus can be extended and configured to take advantage of the popular PHP framework.…

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Getting regular backups

Number #1 rule for all information systems is to always backup your data. A lot of users experiment with Easy!Appointments source…

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How to submit feature requests

Easy!Appointments is an open source project and thus user feedback is very important for the development progress. Submissions proposing new killer-features or required…

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New Danish translation available

A new Easy!Appointments translation is now available for download thanks to Lars Juul, who localized the user interface into Danish. Download…

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Follow Easy!Appointments on the web

If you want to get the latest updates on the development progress, show your support on the project or get informed…

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Modifying the user interface

This article provides hints on application view editing. It is development-oriented but will be very helpful to people that want to…

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New Italian translation available

Easy!Appointments is now translated into Italian thanks to Salvatore Cordiano. You can download translation files from the GitHub page of the…

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How to manage translation files

This week's post aims to describe the localization process of Easy!Appointments. The project supports the translation of the user interface…

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Introduction to the user roles

Easy!Appointments supports various user roles that have different privileges and capabilities within the application. This feature aims to make the system…

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About the email notification system

Easy!Appointments features an email notification system that sends information to both customers and providers that relate to a specific appointment. When a…

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