
Easy!Appointments 1.4.3 release

Alex Tselegidis

A new Easy!Appointments maintenance release is available for download, providing bug fixes and improvements to the previous release.

If you are already using a previous version you just need to replace your existing files with the new ones (except from the root config.php), as no database migrations need to be executed.



  • #1208: Security configuration enhancements in the application
  • #1209: Add support for PHP 8.1


  • #1207: Replace CodeIgniter with the system directory for smaller package size and more control over the framework
  • #1210: Move the change language operation into a new public controller
  • #1212: Remove the Google Calendar read-only scope use as it is not needed
  • #1213: Switch to go-to-latest database migration configuration for simplicity
  • #1216 Replace Google Client JS with the Google Calendar Template link in the book success page enhancement


  • #1211: The table calendar view breaks for secretaries and providers due to appointment and unavailability removals bug
  • #1214: Provider and secretary users can only add unavailabilities for their authorized users bug

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