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April 15, 2024

Best practices on code refactoring

Find out all the best practices of code refactoring and how to apply them correctly on your own project.

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Contributing to release testing rounds

Soon enough, the Easy!Appointments 1.5 development phase will be completed and the first pre-release packages will become available for download.…

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Chat with community experts

For the most part, successful stories involve adequate communication across all project assets, and in the modern world there are…

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Helping with text translations

Right out of the box, Easy!Appointments supports multiple languages (29 at the time of writing), featuring an automated language detection…

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User roles and permissions explained

Easy!Appointments has a flexible permissions system that enables the app to support multiple different user roles and with different privileges.…

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How to troubleshoot Easy!Appointments

Troubleshooting any software may become a challenge, especially if not performed correctly. Easy!Appointments offers all the tools and configuration to…

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Setup Easy!Appointments from git

As an open source project Easy!Appointments has all its source code available on GitHub, one of the most popular collaboration…

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