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Showing results for: Security
July 15, 2024

Demo Upgraded to v1.5

The Easy!Appointments demo installation is upgraded to v1.5! Check out the great new features and improvements of the latest and…

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Adding support for PHP 8.2

As we are approaching the final release date of the upcoming 1.5 Easy!Appointments version, there are great news regarding compatibility…

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Staying up to date

Why Is This Important? In the ever evolving software landscape, it has already been made clear that all production used…

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Easy!Appointments 1.4.3 release

A new Easy!Appointments maintenance release is available for download, providing bug fixes and improvements to the previous release. Download Easy!Appointments…

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Intermediate 1.4.3 release

Intermediate release A brand new minor release will become available within the next few days, right before the upcoming 1.5…

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What’s new in Easy!Appointments 1.5

After a long and quite effective refactoring phase, Easy!Appointments 1.5 has moved to the next step which is the implementation…

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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is critically important to us. It is Easy!Appointments' policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may…

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